We believe that students whose mental abilities fall outside of the norm (high or low) require a specialized educational plan to support them academically as well as socially. “Gifted” students are “wired differently” and often need support in reaching their academic and intellectual potential. The “gifted” child is different from the “bright” child and may or may not show superior performance in school.

Eligibility:  All 2nd Grade and higher SRCA students are given the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) in December, after having had one semester of weekly PETS (Primary Education Thinking Skills) lessons with an AIG specialist.

  • New students in grades 3-8 may be referred for testing (usually in December or May) by teachers and/or parents, subject to review by our AIG eligibility team.
  • Students who transfer to SRCA, having qualified for gifted services elsewhere, must submit AIG records from their previous school. The AIG eligibility team will review the records and make a determination as to whether or not the previous school’s eligibility requirements match ours. If so, the student will begin services immediately. If not, the student will be added to the testing roster for that school year.

Based primarily on CogAT scores, students may qualify for gifted services in one of three ways:

  • Pathway 1: score at or above 95% on the CogAT in any one of the three areas tested (verbal, quantitative, nonverbal).
  • Pathway 2: score between 90% and 94% on the CogAT AND score of 4 or 5 in any subject on the EOG test (verbal: reading/science: math).

Students who do not qualify initially are placed on a “watch list” and are monitored regularly by teachers and the AIG Eligibility Team. The CogAT can only be taken every other year.

Services Overview:

  • 1st and 2nd grades: All students receive weekly PETS (Primary Education Thinking Skills) instruction taught by a licensed AIG instructor. This program nurtures our young learners and “levels the playing field” for testing in 2nd grade.
  • 3rd-8th grades: Students who qualify for AIG services receive weekly instruction from an AIG teacher. Students will complete units of study with an emphasis on Core Knowledge literature, extensions of Core Knowledge science and social studies units, and metacognitive units on creative thinking, critical thinking/logic, and multiple intelligences.

Websites and links:


For more information about our AIG program, please contact Nancy Bertrand .